Mayor Rob Ford denies helping business clients with land transactions

Mayor Rob Ford denies helping business clients with land transactions

   Mayor Rob Ford (Open POLICARD Rob Ford) denied trying to help the clients of private business to take over land in the town hall. 

"If you look at my record in taking over the land, I do not support," Ford said while speaking at a press conference planned subways on Monday. "I will be as clear as possible. You call me, who called me - if someone calls me, I do not say:" What is your company working on? Do we do business with you? No I will not help you. '"
When asked again if he assists clients directly Apollo Health and Beauty Care in an attempt to take over the land, Ford denied. 
"I'm not trying to take over the land, doing nothing in kind to Apollo," he said. 
According to the Globe and Mail recently reported Monday at Ford's relationship with Apollo - a company business Deco Labels and Tags Ford family has worked with - Ford trying to get 7,000 square meters of land was taken over for the company to build a parking lot. Land was never submitted, after officials told the Ford that land can only be taken for public use, according to the Globe report. 
Apollo is the second company is alleged to have become beneficiaries of Ford at city hall. The Globe previously reported that Ford's office arranged a private meeting to help Apollo to get a special property tax relief. He also reported that Ford tries to printing giant RR Donnelley court - the Deco previously subcontracted to print luggage tags through Moore Canada - as they work to get their printing contract at city hall. 
In defense of the matters reported by the two companies, Ford has previously said that she offered assistance to all people. 
"I help people who call me. If you think I give preferential treatment to someone, you prove it," Ford said in July. 
On Monday, Ford said he pushed Apollo to create jobs for the city. He asserted that the meeting between city officials and formed the Apollo. 
"I bring city staff for every meeting possible," said Ford. He does not explain what happened in the meeting. 
Ford spoke to reporters at a press conference campaign plan subways outside Don Mills station. 
At the senior debate on Monday afternoon, the Ford missed to make campaign announcement, candidate John Tory said he was disturbed by the allegations about the Ford. 
"I'm just worried that in their minds there seems to be some sort of vague as between what their personal activities and what their public responsibility," he told reporters. "Even if it's not in the letter of the law, there is something about the spirit of the policy that says you do not have to hold meetings involving - even indirectly -. Interests you personally, with city officials and did not tell them" 
Olivia Chow approved the transaction in question. 
"Rob Ford has repeatedly used his public office for their own interests, and it is really not acceptable," said Chow. 
Ford's comments came during a press conference promise to build a Sheppard subway extension to McCowan as part of a $ 9 billion proposed expansion of its subway. 
On Monday afternoon, Sheppard line from Yonge to Don Mills station was nearly empty, with only four passengers in the car besides journalists where Ford ride. 
He brushed aside questions about how he could justify the expansion of the types of passengers. 
"I think we've all learned economics at one time or another," said Ford before borrowing the famous words whispered to Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams. "If you build it, they will come." 
On Monday, Ford also falsely claimed that the plan to build an LRT - which he called "trains" - would force people to take the stairs to the ground level in the cold at Don Mills and then get on the rapid transit line. 
As Star has reported previously, Metrolinx and the TTC approved a plan for the LRT is to have the driver board at the track LRT from Don Mills, walked across the platform from one line to another. 
Ford claims its subway prices, at $ 9 billion, the actual high, when asked about the criticism that he has been grossly underestimated the actual cost to build the city center lane assistance, Sheppard and Finch subway and bury the entire Eglinton Crosstown LRT.

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